GEEKS CORNER first aired on October 5, 2010 on the DAPS MAGIC YouTube channel! Since then, it has become a time for Disney geeks to come together and “geek out” about Disney and other geeky topics! The main point? Have fun sharing a love of Disney and geekdom together! Sometimes this leads to random music segments. Other times puppets make appearances! Through it all, the attitude that it is good to be a geek, especially a Disney geek prevails!
We hope you will join us on Tuesday night at 9:30 PST for the next episode of GEEKS CORNER! We’ll see you in the corner!
Mr. DAPs
The original host of GEEKS CORNER, Mr. DAPs started the show with every intention of changing the name to a “better one later” when he pitched it to Johnny 5. Now over a decade later, the name remains the same! Mr. DAPs is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of DAPS MAGIC, a Disney news website that was founded in 2004. He also is an avid reader, photographer, traveler, train enthusiast, wearer of bow-tie and trilby, musician, and penguin lover! He believes that both DAPS MAGIC and GEEKS CORNER should be safe environments were people can share their love of Disney and geekdom together!
Caitie Bear
Caitie Bear first appeared on GEEKS CORNER as a guest. Later, she returned as a regular and became a co-host. When not on YouTube, she also contributes regularly on DAPS MAGIC.
Caitie loves Disneyland, Star Wars, Coffee, to travel, photography, animals of all kinds (especially her cat Hamilton), and to go on adventures!
Johnny 5
The original co-host of GEEKS CORNER, Johnny 5 is a talented actor both comedically and dramatically. With an extensive improv background, he brought a sense of storytelling to GEEKS CORNER! This continues to live on today.
Johnny was a host on GEEKS CORNER for the first five years of the show. His presence continues to be felt every week as the team strives to create a fun and magical show. His portrait remains in the studio to remind everyone to always be awesome! You never know who might be watching!
Johnny enjoys pretty much anything that is geeky! Beyond performing on stage, he also is a musical performer both vocally and with multiple instruments. He also has created shows through the years. His talent is impossible to deny as he continues to make so many people happy!
Cameron Jackson
Cameron is the epitome of what it is to be a geek! He has knowledge for just about any topic imaginable and was a regular co-host on GEEKS CORNER for several years. Cameron is also a talented creator, author, poet, cook, singer, performer, and all around good guy! Through his time as a co-host on GEEKS CORNER he helped come up with new segments, go on new adventures, and bring even more variety to the show!
Tyler Epperson
A true geek at heart, Tyler is the longtime producer of GEEKS CORNER, making sure that the geeks look and sound good. Tyler constantly tests new technologies for the website and webshow to keep things as up to date as possible. He also frequently appears as a guest on GEEKS CORNER and is a resident geek expert on DAPS MAGIC’s DISNEY Reporter. When not working on GEEKS CORNER, he has helped with filming stories in his capacity as a videographer.
Murray the Bellhop
Murray the Bellhop has been a longtime contributor to GEEKS CORNER! Through the years he has offered “words of wisdom” and introduced the world to the origin of the Christmas Dragon. He has also helped come up with technology for the show, ideas for the show, videos for the shows, and so much more. When not contributing to GEEKS CORNER, he is also on the DAPS MAGIC team where he also regularly contributes. Murray is a huge Disney fan and also loves Star Wars, Star Trek, art, cooking, food, travel, running, and many other geeky and not so geeky things!
Hayley the Hatter
Hayley was a regular co-host for several years on GEEKS CORNER. Hayley is a talented photographer, seamstress, designer, and Disney bounder. She also has become a fantastic sounding board for ideas for DAPS MAGIC and GEEKS CORNER. She can be found in front of the camera on occasion still on GEEKS CORNER.
Roger Rabbit
A long-time friend of DAPS MAGIC and GEEKS CORNER, Roger (not that Roger Rabbit) Rabbit frequently runs social media during the weekly livestream of the show. Roger is a huge Disney fan who also loves to accompany Mr. DAPs and the team as they go on their random adventures. Roger also contributes to DAPS MAGIC as a reporter.
Luke Schulze
Luke is one of the nicest guys you will ever meet. He is also one of the producers and contributors on GEEKS CORNER! He has helped out both in front and behind of the camera through the years. He has a legendary stomach of steel and has an unmatchable wit, especially when it comes to a pun-off! Luke is a Disney geek, Star Wars fan, and all around good guy that GEEKS CORNER is so honored to have on the team!